Immunoglobulins (IgG, IgA, IgM)
Immunoglobulin levels are essential only in investigations for immunodeficiency states and in suspected myeloma or related diseases where they should be carried out in conjunction with serum electrophoresis. Elevated levels of immunoglobulins may be of limited use in the differential diagnosis of some diseases e.g chronic liver disease.
Reference: NHS UK website
Assay Immunoglobulins on GPP-100 Specific Protein Analyzer

Certified by IFCC (International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine)
IFCC is a leading organization in the field of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine worldwide.
GPP-100 is a certified Specific Protein Analyzer by IFCC.
Test Principle: Immunonephelometry
Parameters :hsCRP,HbA1c,mALB,D-Dimer,ASO,RF,C3,C4, IgG, IgM, IgA etc.can be extended to more than 30 parameters.