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Monkeypox Virus (MPXV) IgG/IgM Kit

Lateral Flow Immunoassays Serology Antibody Test Kit for rapid determination of Monkeypox Virus (MPXV) infection history.

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Monkeypox Virus(MPXV)

is a disease which is attributed to a virus in the same family of smallpox virus but is not that severe, while it can be deadly to people contract the disease. Early symptoms of monkeypox include a fever, headache, back pain, muscle aches and low energy, then progresses to a rash on the face, hands, feet, eyes, mouth or genitals that turns into raised bumps, or papules.

GOLDSITE Monkeypox Virus (MPXV) Antibody IgG/IgM Kit, which can rapidly identify monkeypox virus infection in a point of care setting. This product is aimed to facilitate public health institute worldwide to increase their diagnostic capabilities when facing the emerging Monekeypox virus health challenge, allowing for an efficient and rapid public health response in the case of an outbreak.

Monkeypox Ab banner


  • Mature technique: Colloidal gold immunochromatography

  • Easy to operate,  serves as an aid of PCR detection.

  • Fast and accurately answer of results in ONLY 15 minutes.

  • High sensitivity and specificity

  • Suitable for mass screening of potiential infected group in a point of care setting.

  • Tools for Monitoring infection and immunity.

Pack Size1/5/25 T
Specimen Typeserum/ plasma/ wholeblood
SensitivityLoD: 500 copies/mL

*Product images are for illustrative purposes only and may differ from the actual product.  Goldsite Diagnostics Inc. reserves the right to change the packaging design at anytime.

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Goldsite Diagnostics Inc., founded in 1999, is a leading Chinese diagnostics manufacturer specializing in in-vitro diagnostics devices and reagents.

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